We are now operating on off season hours. Wed-Sat 10-4. CLOSED Dec 25-Jan 8.
We are now operating on off season hours. Wed-Sat 10-4. CLOSED Dec 25-Jan 8.
If you are looking for things to do near Kansas City, come pick up pecans this fall at Miller Pecan Farms! We welcome you to pick up your own pecans. We will let you pick up in our pecan grove or on trees around our farm, and you can keep 50% of your pickup, or we will buy back your half. We will crack your pecans for you for a small cost, or you can take them home and crack them yourselves. Happy picking!
Disclaimer: Pecan season is from late October-December. Please call before you come to ensure we have peans to pick up. Our grove is just west of Brunswick. There are not many pecans this year, so PLEASE call before you come so you are not disappointed.
Picking up your own pecans FAQ:
What do I need to pick up my own pecans?
When is the best time to pick up pecans?
What hours may we pick up?
How can I schedule a pick up?
If you have any more questions, please email us at millerpecanfarm@gmail.com or call us at 660-549-3332. Thanks!
Whole Native Pecans